Call for papers: CARI 2018 in Stellenbosh (South Africa)

CARI, the African Conference on Research in Computer Science, is the outcome of an international cooperation involving African universities, French research institutes, and international organizations. Occurring once every two years since its first edition held in 1992 (Yaounde, Cameroon), CARI is more than a scientific gathering, but a dynamic environment for cooperation that brings together African researchers, and decision-makers in the fields of computer science and applied mathematics.

Exhibition : Démasquer : Arts et Sciences en Afrique


Démasquer : Arts et Sciences en Afrique.

IHP Library.

From November 08 to December 22, 2017.

Vernissage: Novembre 08, from 6 pm to 10:30 pm.

Organized by the Association for Scientific Promotion in Africa and the Henri Poincaré Institute with the support of the Daniel Iagolnitzer Foundation.

For more information: