APSA launches a call for projects to fund research trips abroad in 2025


APSA is launching a call for projects to fund research stays abroad in 2025, aimed at young African researchers in the fields of mathematics, physics, computer science or engineering.

The laureates will be able to spend between one and three months in a laboratory in France or in an African country.

The programme, which is aimed primarily at sub-Saharan Africa excluding South Africa, covers travel, visa and accommodation costs up to €5,000 per laureate, with co-funding to encourage the selection of applications.

Ibni Oumar Mahamat Saleh’s Prize: Announcement of the results


Anne Philippe, President of SFdS (Société Française de Statistique), Samir Adly, President of SMAI (Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles), Isabelle Gallagher, President of SMF (Société Mathématiques de France), are pleased to announce that the Ibni Oumar Mahamat Saleh Prizes 2024 have been awarded to Adivignon Raymond Hounnonkpe & Oumi Niass.

Applications now open for 2025 CIMPA schools!


Every year, the CIMPA schools offer a unique opportunity to learn more about mathematics, to meet people with a passion for it from all over the world and to share knowledge in a collaborative and enriching environment. Whether you're a master's student, doctoral student, post-doctoral researcher or teacher-researcher, the CIMPA schools promise to be an enriching experience.

This year's themes cover a variety of exciting topics, and we are privileged to welcome international speakers ready to share their expertise.