CIMPA School on Algebraic and Combinatorial Methods in Geometry (reportée à 2022)






The central topic of the school is the mutual interaction of algebra, combinatorics and geometry. Objects of research in algebraic geometry are affine as well as projective varieties and their associated invariants which can be studied using methods from algebra and combinatorics. Toric and tropical varieties are instances where such kind of approaches were and still are very successful. In discrete geometry cones, graphs, hyperplane arrangements and matroids are examples of research subjects which naturally play prominent roles in algebra and discrete mathematics. The main goal of this school is to build bridges between various disciplines of mathematics which have in common to apply algebraic and combinatorial methods in geometry. The lectures range from the foundations to recent results and applications of the relevant theory.

Langue officielle de l'école : anglais

Coordinateurs administratifs et scientifiques

Imran Anwar (LUMS,
, )
Marc Chardin (Institut Mathématiques de Jussieu,
, )

Programme scientifique

Cours 1: "The Combinatorics of Syzygies", Sara Faridi (Dalhousie University, Canada)

Cours 2: "Algebraic and Geometrical Aspects of Matroids", Sara Saeedi Madani (Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), & Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Iran)

Cours 3: "Containments Between Powers of Ideals", Tái Huy Há (Tulane University, USA)

Cours 4: "Tropical Geometry", Hannah Markwig (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Allemagne)

Cours 5: "Combinatorial Algebra up to Symmetry", Tim Römer (Universität Osnabrück, Allemagne)

Cours 6: "Geometry of Nonnegative Matrix Rank", Kaie Kubjas (Aalto University, Aalto Finlande)

Cours 7: "Homological Invariants of Sequence of Symbolic Power of Monomial Ideals", Nguyen Dang Hop (Hanoi Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam)

Cours 8: "The Orlik–Terao Algebra", Shaheen Nazir (Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Pakistan)

Site internet de l'école

Comment participer

Pour s'inscrire et candidater à un financement CIMPA, suivre les instructions données ici.

Date limite d'inscription et de candidature : 28 novembre 2021

Formulaire d'inscription en ligne pour les candidats du Pakistan :