NOUVELLES DATES - Mathematics of Climate Science (en ligne) (École CIMPA 2020 reportée en raison du Covid 19)






The school aims at introducing graduate students and young researchers to the mathematic of climate science. Lectures will cover key topics in the field focusing on their mathematical complexity and dimension. Climate science is genuinely interdisciplinary and this is reflected in the breath of topics offered in the school: predictability, data assimilation, climate prediction, climate sensitivity and thermodynamics. The mathematics to address and understand these problems will be the characteristic of the school and will include dynamical system, statistics, numer­ical methods, statistical mechanics and linear algebra. The lectures will start by presenting the phys­ical concrete challenge and then will focus on the mathematical tools and concept used to solve them. At the same time, there will be tutorials with practical problems to be solved by the students under
the mentors' guidance.

Langue officielle de l'Ecole: anglais

Coordinateurs administratifs et scientifiques

Blaise TCHAPNDA (African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) Rwanda,
, )
Alberto CARRASSI (Université de Reading (Royaume-Uni) et Université d'Utrecht (Pays-Bas), , )

Programme scientifique

Cours 1: "Predictability of the Atmosphere and Climate", Stephane VANNITSEM (Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, Belgique)

Cours 2: "Response and Fluctuations in the Climate System", Valerio LUCARINI (University of Reading, Royaume-Uni)

Cours 3: "Data Assimilation ", Alberto CARRASSI (Université de Reading (Royaume-Uni) et Université d'Utrecht (Pays-Bas))

Cours 4: "Geostatistics", Laurent BERTINO (NERSC, Norvège)

Cours 5: "Tropical Dynamics", Amit APTE (ICTS, Inde)

Cours 6: "Forecasting Uncertain Hazards in a Changing Climate", Elaine SPILLER (Marquette University, USA)

Cours 7: "Climate Prediction", François COUNILLON (NERSC, Norvège)

Cours 8: "Tutorial on Experimental Learning in Chaos and Information", Colin Grudzien (University of Nevada in Reno, USA)

Cours 9: "Tutorial on Data Assimilation: Coding and Experiments", Ali Aydogdu (CMCC, Italie)

Cours 10: "Fossil Fuel Economies: Impacts on the Environment and on Society", Maria-Rita Rosaria D’ORSOGNA (California State University at Northridge, USA)

Site internet de l'école

Comment participer

Pour s'inscrire et candidater à un financement CIMPA, suivre les instructions données ici.

Date limite d'inscription et de candidature : 25 avril 2021