Control and Information Theory - ECOLE ANNULEE






The aim of this school is to provide courses for graduate students and young researchers. These courses will focus on Control Theory (and, in particular, Geometric Control and Control of Partial Differential Equations) and also Information Theory. In addition, applications of Control and Information Theory as well as their interactions with other fields such as Economy and Physics will be studied. The scientific contents of the school can be decomposed in two parts. The first part is made of 3 courses (of 6 hours each) in Information Theory and one course in Geometric Control. The second part consists of 3 courses in Control of Partial Differential Equations and a course in Geometric Control Theory. Besides lectures, we consider some sessions for research presentations, which will present applications of the theories presented in the courses and interactions with other disciplines. 

Coordinateurs administratifs et scientifiques

Salman BEIGI (Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM),
, )
Nina H. AMINI (CNRS-Centrale Supélec,
, )

Programme scientifique

Cours 1: "Control of nonlinear systems", Jean-Michel CORON (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France)

Cours 2: "Dynamic control: Greedy, turnpike, constraints and some applications", Enrique ZUAZUA (DeustoTech-Bilbao & Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Espagne)

Cours 3: "Control and stabilization of Schrödinger equations with bilinear control", Karine BEAUCHARD (ENS Rennes and IRMAR, France)

Cours 4: "From geometric control to sub-Riemannian geometry", Frédéric JEAN (ENSTA, France)

Cours 5: "Geodesics in sub-Riemannian geometry: an introduction", Davide BARILARI (Université Paris Diderot, France)

Cours 6: "Quantum Information Theory", Nilanjana DATTA (Cambridge University, Royaume-Uni)

Cours 7: "Verification of quantum computation", Elham KASHEFI (University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics and CNRS UPMC/LIP6, France et Royaume-Uni)

Cours 8: "Control of Quantum Systems", Alain SARLETTE (INRIA Paris & Ghent University, France)

Site internet de l'école

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