Topics in Ring Theory


Afrique du Sud




The School encompasses various topics in contemporary algebra: non-associative algebras, graph algebras, computer algebra and category theory.

It will start with an introductory course on Lie algebras, which will lay the foundations for the next courses. Courses on Herstein’ s Lie Theory and Gradings of Lie algebras will complete the training on Lie algebras. Being aware of the importance of the use computer techniques to approach pure mathematical problems, a computer algebra course will be offered. Courses on Leavitt path algebras will be delivered. Unfortunately we will not have the time to study their Lie structures and we will provide only an introduction to their theory.

As Mac Lane stated category theory starts with the observation that many properties of mathematical structures can be unified and simplified by a presentation with diagrams and arrows. Here, we will learn how to translate some basic non-associative-algebraic definitions into categorical terms.

Coordinateurs administratifs et scientifiques

Juana Sanchez-Ortega (University of Cape Town,
Afrique du Sud
, )
Dolores Martín-Barquero (Universidad de Málaga,
, )

Programme scientifique

Cours 1: "An introduction to Lie algebras", Pilar Benito Clavijo (Universidad de La Rioja, Espagne)

Cours 2: "Gradings on Lie algebras and on other algebraic structures", Cristina Draper Fontanals (Universidad de Málaga, Espagne)

Cours 3: "A first introduction to categorical algebra", Tamar Janedlize-Gray (University of Cape Town, Afrique du Sud)

Cours 4: "Introduction to Computer algebra", Murray Bremner (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)

Cours 5: "Herstein's theory", Jesús Laliena (Universidad de La Rioja, Espagne)

Cours 6: "An introduction to Leavitt path algebras", Dolores Martín-Barquero (Universidad de Málaga, Espagne) et Cándido Martín González (Universidad de Málaga, Espagne)

Cours 7: "Ample groupoid algebras", Lisa Orloff Clark (Victoria University of Wellington, Nouvelle-Zélande)

Site internet de l'école

Comment participer

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Date limite d'inscription et de candidature : 25 mars 2018.