CANCELED - Logic@Natal: School in Mathematical Logic and Applications






Mathematical Logic is a subfield of mathematics exploring the applications of formal logic to mathematics. Its inception was motivated by the study of foundations of mathematics and it has found applications in many areas, specially in Theoretical Computer Science. The four pillars of Mathematical Logic are Set Theory, Recursion Theory, Model Theory and Proof Theory. This school intends to cover all such subjects, on different levels and with different applications.  The proposed tree basic courses have the great advantage of requiring no or little prior knowledge. Talking about Set Theory and First Order Logic means establishing a common ground notation for all the formalism that will come from that. And every area in Mathematics can profit from this formal language that will be presented by one of the main active researchers in the field. The four advantage courses have a very strong inter-disciplinary nature, specially in the study of proofs and how they can be automated or analyzed. This is a trend in the area of Mathematical Logic which is interesting to be pursued. Besides the courses, sessions on proof theory and rewriting are planned. This is a flourishing research area, which builds the bridge between pure Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. In this setting, the Logic@Natal: School in Mathematical Logic with Applications aims to attend a growing community of undergraduate and graduate students in the area, as well as young researchers, focusing preferentially those coming from Latin America.

Official language of the school:  English

Administrative and scientific coordinators

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Dale MILLER (INRIA Saclay,
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Scientific program

Course 1: "Set Theory as an Axiomatic Theory", Valeria DE PAIVA (Nuance Communications, USA)

Course 2: "Universal Algebra, Equational Logic and Term Rewriting", José MESEGUER (University of Illinois, USA)

Course 3: "Introduction to Proof Theory and Applications", Dale MILLER (INRIA Saclay, France)

Course 4: "Proofs in Theories", Gilles DOWEK (INRIA/ENS, France)

Course 5: "General methods in proof theory for Structural and Modal Logics", Sonia MARIN (IT-University, Denmark)

Course 6: "Rewriting Logic", Carolyn TALCOTT (SRI International, USA)

Course 7: "Narrowing-based Analysis", Santiago ESCOBAR (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain)

Website of the school

How to participate

For registration and application to a CIMPA financial support, follow the instructions given here

Deadline for registration and application: October 3, 2021