Dynamical Systems and Applications to Biology






Application of Dynamical Systems to Biology is nowadays an important challenge. The goal of this school is, on the one hand to present the basic tools in Dynamical Systems to solve ODE's, and, on the second hand, to present how these tools can be used in Biology. The school will comprise two series of lectures. One theoretical one and one for applied mathematics. A large part will be devoted to exercises sessions.

The theoretical part will focus both on Symbolic Dynamics and Geometric Dynamics (mainly uniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems). The applied part will make connections between the theoretical's one by using the tools presented in the theoretical courses to study the logistic family, population evolutions or emergence of epilepsy crises. 

Administrative and scientific coordinators

Shahidul ISLAM (University of Dhaka,
, )
Renaud LEPLAIDEUR (Université de Nouvelle Calédonie ,
, )

Scientific program

Course 1: "Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics", Nicolas BÉDARIDE (Université de Aix Marseille, France)

Course 2: "Searching for deterministic chaos in biological data", Hugues BERRY (INRIA, France)

Course 3: "Ordinal symbolic dynamics with physiological data applications", Keller KARSTEN (University of Luebeck, Germany)

Course 4: "Introduction to (geometric) Dynamical Systems", Renaud LEPLAIDEUR (Université de Nouvelle Calédonie, France)

Course 5: "Introduction to (geometric) Dynamical Systems", Isabel RIOS (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil)

Course 6: "Applications of ODEs and Dynamical Systems in Biology", Sylvain MOUSSET (University of Vienna, Austria)

Website of the school

How to participate

For registration and application to a CIMPA financial support, follow the instructions given here

Deadline for registration and application:  March 17, 2019.